The students of Trevose Day School gave an Opera performance at the end of the school year. After many hours of practice, and with the dedication of our Opera Director, Charis Duke, every student performed in “The 12 Dancing Princesses” to the delight of family and friends.
In the Opera, the King and Queen of a distant land have called all the princes from far and wide to solve the mystery of why their daughters’ shoes are full of holes every morning. None of the princes can figure out why. Finally, a soldier returning from war meets and old woman who gives him advice on what may be happening to the princesses’ shoes. The soldier solves the mystery and is bestowed with many gifts from a grateful King and Queen.
Our younger students gave a wonderful performance as dancing trees, and our older students gave equally splendid performances as Princes, Princesses and Ballroom Dancers. Our soloists who played the King, Queen, Soldier and Old Woman also did a fabulous job. The highlight of the production was the finale in which the entire school participated in dancing and singing.