Alumnus Schuyler Kevin Cauley, who graduated from the school five years ago, was hailed an Eagle Scout on Saturday, May 13. And our very own Head of School, Gwynne Frischmann, was honored to attend Schuyler’s ceremony in which he also recognized her as an influential leader in his life. Schuyler has always been a dedicated student, hard worker, helpful friend and kind person. We are all so proud of his accomplishment as an Eagle Scout, and all that he has accomplished by the age of 16!
In Scouting, the eagle stands for strength of character, and for knowledge of all phases of Scouting. The eagle represents an understanding of community and nation, and a deep respect for same. The eagle is a symbol of what a young man has done as well as what that young man will do, and will be, when he grows to manhood. The eagle is a leader. The eagle is respected, both by his peers and by his adult leaders.
The EAGLE SCOUT AWARD is the highest award available to youth members of the Boy Scouts of America. It is a recognition by the National Court of Honor, presented through the local council and a local court of honor. It represents many years of dedicated effort , and the successful completion of a long process that started when the young man became a Boy Scout. It is a demonstration of how people, working together, can truly help mold a young man with a solid sense of leadership, citizenship, and responsibility. Not every boy, nor every Scout, qualifies for the high rank of Eagle.
1. The physical requirements are strenuous, as set forth in the required merit badges.
2. Mental requirements are unusual and require much more than average intelligence.
3. Perhaps an even more difficult and more important requirement for the Eagle rank is the personal character of the Scout as reflected in his right attitudes toward God and the ideals of Scouting, as reflected in his cooperation and service to others in church, the home, school and community. The applicant must have a high degree of the spirit of cheerful service to others which is a basis of good citizenship.
The attainment of the Eagle Scout Rank is indeed the highest honor that a Scout may achieve.
When a boy enters Scouting, in the three parts of the Scout Oath, he promises upon his honor to do his best to do his duty first to God and his country second, to other people, by helping them at all times and third, to himself, by keeping himself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
Likewise, the Scout Law he promises to obey is put into effect as the occasion may demand. He is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. Each is an important foundation stone in the building of strong character. An Eagle Scout is one who has taken the Scout Oath and Law, to which he has promised, and embodied them within his character. The Oath and Law have become a part of him, they guide and direct him.
Very few Scouts make it this far (only about 2 percent of all scouts), and it is a great achievement for all parties involved: the Scout, his family, his community, his unit, and the Boy Scouts of America.