Trevose Day School Visit Registration


4951 Central Ave.

Trevose, Pennsylvania 19053

T 215 355 4373


* Please enjoy learning more about our school from our website before your visit.

Programs available: Infants (from 8 weeks) through Middle School (8th grade).

We welcome visits from prospective families, families of current students, community members, and the simply curious. There is no better way to understand the Montessori difference than to experience it yourself.

Tours are offered most weekdays. We aim to accommodate your schedule and we are looking forward to getting to know you when you visit.

Kindly provide us with the following information so that we may be ready for your visit.

Requested tour date
Requested tour date
Please select your preferred date to visit the school and we will contact you to confirm. We recommend both parents attend the tour whenever possible.
Programs you are interested in:
Please check all that apply
Requested tour time
Parent 1 name *
Parent 1 name
Parent 2 name
Parent 2 name
Phone 1
Phone 1
Child’s name
Child’s name
Child’s date of birth
Child’s date of birth

Child’s address
Child’s address
Requested start date
Requested start date
Requested schedule
Is your child currently attending school or an early childhood program?

We would like to know how you heard about Princeton Montessori School so we can be sure to spend our advertising dollars wisely. Please check the places that you have seen our school listed or advertised:

…if you have a friend or relative we can thank for referring you to us.

If you checked “other” above.

Would you like to receive an email or phone call from a current parent?

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